
About Us

菩提家园以新鲜高端食材为主,推从健康美味的素食菜肴。菩提家园希望更多的年轻人爱上素食,推广素食。也为素食者提供方便。 菩提家园也会不断地创新,改进,使每一道素膳品质于艺术的完美结合,以最良好的状态去迎接美好的未来健康人生.

菩提家园以健康饮食为导来发扬传统饮食文化。 素食可以减少对生命的践踏,过多的猎杀动物是伤害自然平衡。 人于自然的和谐共处是人类关键问题。

Using fresh, high-quality ingredients, Bodhi Village is committed to making vegetarian meals healthy and enjoyable for everyone. We wanted to promote vegetarianism for future generations and provide convenience for all vegetarians. Bodhi Village will continue to innovate and together we will help create a better, brighter future!

Bodhi Village strives to build a healthy, vegetarian platform to spread the beauty of our traditional Chinese food culture. The way of vegetarianism helps with the conservation of life and resources on Earth. Earth is our planet, and we believe it is our duty to avoid any harm against the environment. It is in Bodhi Village’s best interest to uphold the delicate balance between nature and society.

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Associate Company: Bodhi Cafe bodhicafeny.com